From your idea cell phone type GP13 and send it to 4444.
now you will receive that your GP13 pack will be activated within

24 hours…
now wait for 12 to 16 hours..
now send the same sms to 4444..
you will receive that your request has been already registered.
now again after 24 hours you will find that your GP13 pack has

been activated…!!!

BUT thats not a trick…yes because you have been have been

charged 13 rs because of activation of GP13..
real trick starts now..

After successfull activation of GP13 pack just send NOGP13 to

4444.(4444 No is free of charge)
you will receive that your GP13 pack will be deactivated within

24 hours..
now after just 10 to 12 hours of sending dectivation sms again

send GP13 to 4444..

now its enough …you have completed your all steps to get free

its because due to last activation sms after deactivation sms

system will be hacked!!!System isnt able to take decision what to


now after some time of sending sms for activation just reboot

your system from file explorer..

now restart your device/ are able to surf free..

but note that if you are using cell phone than use opera mini or

uc web browser and if you are using pc/laptop than use smart web

browser or opera 9.27.

if you wish to use proxy for your opera than you must have to use

the proxy given below…..

Port :1080(common for all)





Tricks to come…

1. Giving it away

No one knows how much money Dr. Lyle Tullis gave away to students. I was his colleague for nearly a decade and I never ceased to be amazed at his generosity. He taught sociology; I taught missions.
Our college has an aggressive program of providing cross-cultural experiences for students. Lots of students take advantage of summer experiences overseas. Early on I discovered that no group left for overseas without some of its members receiving substantial financial help from Dr. Tullis.
It wasn't that he made a lot of money. For one thing, he taught at a church-run institution. There, his salary was half that which his counterparts earned in nearby tax-supported institutions.
Other faculty occasionally groused about comparatively low pay scale. Not Lyle Tullis. Occasionally a professor would leave our campus for a more lucrative position. A couple of them told me they did so because, with higher pay checks, "I can better provide for my family."
The size of Lyle Tullis' paycheck never seemed to be the most important thing to him. I realized that one day when I was thanking him for helping a student with mission trip costs.
His eyes twinkled as he said to me, "Aw, I've got so much money I don't know what to do with it. So, I just give it away."
Most folks wouldn't have thought that way. Dr. Tullis drove one of the older cars on campus. It was certainly older than almost any of the students' cars. His home, while comfortable, was not fanciest of the faculty homes. But Lyle Tullis lived grandly with the feeling that he had so much money he needed to give it away.
He was one of the favorites on campus. A cynic might say that he bought that approval. But they would misunderstand. Lyle wanted to invest his life, all of it, in people. He'll never leave a large estate; but he will leave a legacy.

 Image Cortesy: Mazha


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Characteristics of a Profession

The following document was acquired when I was a graduate student working on my doctorate at the University of Virginia. Read the following, and decide for yourself whether your profession meets these criteria.

Bob Kizlik

I. Professions are occupationally related social institutions established and maintained as a means of providing essential services to the individual and the society.

2. Each profession is concerned with an identified area of need or function (for example, maintenance of physical and emotional health, preservation of rights and freedom, enhancing the opportunity to learn).

3. The profession collectively, and the professional individually, possesses a body of knowledge and a repertoire of behaviors and skills (professional culture) needed in the practice of the profession; such knowledge, behavior, and skills normally are not possessed by the nonprofessional.

4. Members of the profession are involved in decision making in the service of the client. These decisions are made in accordance with the most valid knowledge available, against a background of principles and theories, and within the context of possible impact on other related conditions or decisions.

5. The profession is based on one or more undergirding disciplines from which it builds its own applied knowledge and skills.

6. The profession is organized into one or more professional associations, which, within broad limits of social accountability, are granted autonomy in control of the actual work of the profession and the conditions that surround it (admissions, educational standards, examination and licensing, career line, ethical and performance standards, professional discipline).

7. The profession has agreed-upon performance standards for admission to the profession and for continuance within it.

8. Preparation for and induction into the profession is provided through a protracted preparation program, usually in a professional school on a college or university campus.

9. There is a high level of public trust and confidence in the profession and in individual practitioners, based upon the profession's demonstrated capacity to provide service markedly beyond that which would otherwise be available.

10. Individual practitioners are characterized by a strong service motivation and lifetime commitment to competence.

11. Authority to practice in any individual case derives from the client or the employing organization; accountability for the competence of professional practice within the particular case is to the profession itself.

12. There is relative freedom from direct on-the-job supervision and from direct public evaluation of the individual practitioner. The professional accepts responsibility in the name of his or her profession and is accountable through his or her profession to the society.

So, do you think your profession, especially teaching, makes the grade?

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Stress Reduction Tips

Using Lists
"When the pressure and stress of the semester begins to build and you can't imagine how you can possibly accomplish everything you need to do, make a list. Includ

Mental Health 1

e everything that needs to be done on the list, including homework, class assignments, grocery shopping, laundry and even partying. Then make a weekly schedule. Fit all of your tasks within the weekly schedule. This will help you to be more organized, less overwhelmed and remember everything you need to do. You will find that there is indeed time to fit everything in. When you have completed one of the tasks on your list, cross it off. Crossing everything off the list is a good feeling of accomplishment. This is also a great way to see how much you actually do during the day and pat yourself on the back for a job well done."
- By Sue Amendolara

Fighting Depression
"You know that academic success depends on achieving satisfactory grades. Sometimes, however, students who are typically successful find their academic performance begins to slide for personal reasons. Prolonged unhappiness or dissatisfaction with one's self or one's relationships with others can drain a student's energy and become a hindrance to academic effectiveness. Yes, students can get depressed or anxious and find themselves having a hard time shaking it off. It's not an unusual occurrence; but if it goes on for weeks, you should be concerned. When social or emotional issues get in the way in your life, do something about it. The first step is to find someone with whom you can talk about it. This usually makes a world of difference. Don't continue to hold it in. Get a self- help book or audiotape, even consult a counselor. Take care of yourself by eating and sleeping regularly, and get exercise. Make yourself go to class. Fight back and work to regain control of your life. Your emotional health and academic success go hand in hand. Keep a handle on both."
- By Michael Bucell

Overcoming Anxiety
"I find that many students have already acquired pretty good study habits. So, unless they have basic skill problems in areas like reading and math, they actually possess the ability to take notes effectively, manage their time, and so on. So, what gets in th

Image by drp via Flickr

e way of effective performance in the classroom? I believe that "anxiety" is the culprit. Many students put themselves down by believing that they are "stupid" and "ineffective," especially in comparison with their peers. These feelings of inadequacy can lead to the paralyzing anxiety that "blocks" successful performance in the classroom -- especially on tests. I have personally experienced this gut-wrenching feeling and kicked myself later for making those dumb mistakes that result when anxiety gets in the way. In order to overcome anxiety, I recommend the following:
  1. Gain temporary control of your anxiety by practicing relaxation techniques during especially anxious times. Deep breathing combined with muscular tensing and relaxing can be helpful. Massage and meditation can help too.
  2. Work on feeling better about yourself. Try replacing negative thinking with positive thoughts. Praise yourself once in a while and forgive yourself for mistakes. Read books, such as David Burns' Feeling Good, that suggest ways to improve your feelings of self-worth.
  3. In general, try being your own best friend!"
- By Dr. Salene Cowher

General Stress Reduction Tips
"As classes become more demanding, you need to consider ways to reduce stress. There are certainly a few things not to do, such as procrastinate. If you have a project or paper assigned early in the semester, get started on it right away. In order to do your best job, you need to spend a lot of time on it. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Also, don't work long hours without rest. Ideally, you should sleep seven to eight hours daily to function properly. One activity that reduces stress is exercise. Whether it be jogging, bicycling, basketball, racquetball, swimming, or a daily walk, make sure you make time to exercise. Remember, to help reduce stress, don't procrastinate, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly."
- By Gary Grant

Visualization and Relaxation
"When the pressure seems to be getting to you, don't reach for the aspirin bottle. Try one of these instant stress relievers. Take six deep breaths. Slowly breathe through your nose and out your mouth. Visit the Bahamas or any other pleasant place through your imagination. Visualize the scene in detail. Hug someone. Four hugs every day will do a lot to calm you down. Change your scene. Walk to the window, watch the birds, take a stroll down the hall. Go outside and breathe deeply for two minutes. Exercise and stretching will improve your mind. Jog up the staircase. Find something or someone who will make you laugh. Stress can often come from taking yourself or your task too seriously. Ask yourself what is the worst possible thing that could happen if you made a mistake or missed the deadline. Lastly, change your focus. Think about your out of class life and focus on what you'll do this weekend or this evening."
- By Barbara Kantz

Personal Maintenance
"We all know the importance of maintaining a car. We can push it to the limit, but sooner or later it starts to run poorly. By setting aside some time for a little maintenance, we can keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Unfortunately, we tend to forget these simple truths when they're applied to college life. We push ourselves to keep up with demands and ignore warning signs such as decreased productivity and a negative attitude. We fail to recognize that some time spent on rest and relaxation may actually save time in the long run. People often notice that their mood improves and they work more effectively after taking a break. Personal maintenance may include very simple and inexpensive activities such as taking a walk in the snow, having dinner with a friend, or listening to some favorite music. So take a little time out today to do something fun and relaxing -- your system just might run a little smoother tomorrow."
- By Gary LaBine

Self-Imposed Barriers
"Have you ever thought about the influence of the person you see in the mirror? It takes a mature person to honestly evaluate themselves. It takes a strong person to recognize self-imposed barriers and to do something about them. Some of us have told ourselves or were told by others that we didn't possess the qualities of a good student. It then becomes easy to quit trying and to stay in groups that mock things like good study habits, regular reading in the library, and shooting for the best you can do. This is an understandable coping response, but we have to be willing to reassess ourselves. These are things that influence who we will be in the future, how we feel about ourselves, and the opportunities we will have. Cast aside those behaviors that make school unnecessarily harder and limit your potential. Start today."
- By Roy Shinn

. Reaching Out Can Make a Difference
"Did you know that college students are considered one of the most depressed and lonely groups when compared to the general population? I know this not only through my studies, but also through personal experiences. Often students try to deal with these problems with parties and drinking. My tip is an exception to that rule. Instead, look to friends, professors, religion, or anything that will have personal meaning to you. The more real time you spend with meaningful people and activities, the more alive you will feel. There are so many worthwhile activities and people at your university just waiting for you to discover them. You will be surprised how many people are looking for the same type of interaction you need. On a campus with thousands of people, if you reach out often enough you will find friends and maybe even a few soulmates. I know this, because I have."
- By Tacie Thomas
The Secret to True Success in Life
"The pressures of student life, and life in general can be overly stressful and overwhelming, driving many to seek escape, refuge, or relief. We've all heard the many slogans: "Just Say No," "This is your brain on drugs" (the fried-egg commercial), "Don't Drink and Drive" etc. Some sound pretty lame, some sound boring, but yet they're actually true. We've heard them 1,000 times from 1,000 different people. Well, here we go again with one more. TRUE SUCCESS IN LIFE MEANS TO TREAT YOUR BODY RIGHT!

Keep the impurities out and let your life begin. Learn to love yourself--for real. You are who you hang with. Surround yourself with positive people, places and things. If you want to be strong in this world, hang with those who are strong in this world.

Take care.

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Developing time management skills is a journey
that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way.

One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time

as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies
in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.

First: try our exercise in time management: How do you spend your time each day?

Strategies on using time:

  • School term/semester overview: develop, or plan for, blocks of study time
    About 50 minutes? How long does it take for you to become restless?
    Some learners need more frequent breaks for a variety of reasons
    More difficult material may also require more frequent breaks
    Place blocks of time when you are most productive, as morning person or night owl!
  • Schedule weekly reviews and updates
    Sunday night may be an excellent time to review your calendar
    Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt
  • Prioritize assignments
    When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task
    For more difficult courses of study, try to be flexible in your approach to success
    Build in “reaction time” when you can get feedback on assignments before they are due.
  • Achieve “stage one”—get something done
    Don’t work the details until your assignment concept is fully developed.
    “Perfection is the enemy of good”, especially in the course of beginning an assignment.
    Given that you build in review, roughly draft your idea and proceed from there
  • Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until school work is finished
    Eliminate, delegate or delay non-essential tasks as part of prioritizing.
    Review for a test may be more important than enjoying a sport.
    and playing the game later will be more enjoyable without the pressure of the test.
  • Develop alternative study places
    free from distractions to maximize concentration
  • Use your “free” time wisely
    Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc.
  • Review notes and readings just before class
  • Review lecture material immediately after class
    (Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review)

Try the University of Minnesota's Assignment Calculator

Develop criteria for adjusting your schedule
to meet both your academic and non-academic needs

Effective aids:

  • Create a simple "To Do" list
    This simple program will help you identify a few items, the reason for doing them, a timeline for getting them done, and then printing this simple list and posting it for reminders.
  • Daily/weekly planner
    Write down appointments, classes, and meetings on a chronological log book or chart.
    If you are more visual, sketch out your schedule

    taken by me in march 2005 during NCAA West Ice...Image via Wikipedia

    First thing in the morning, check what's ahead for the day
    always go to sleep knowing you're prepared for tomorrow
  • Long term planner
    Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead.
    Long term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself
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