Characteristics of a Profession

The following document was acquired when I was a graduate student working on my doctorate at the University of Virginia. Read the following, and decide for yourself whether your profession meets these criteria.

Bob Kizlik

I. Professions are occupationally related social institutions established and maintained as a means of providing essential services to the individual and the society.

2. Each profession is concerned with an identified area of need or function (for example, maintenance of physical and emotional health, preservation of rights and freedom, enhancing the opportunity to learn).

3. The profession collectively, and the professional individually, possesses a body of knowledge and a repertoire of behaviors and skills (professional culture) needed in the practice of the profession; such knowledge, behavior, and skills normally are not possessed by the nonprofessional.

4. Members of the profession are involved in decision making in the service of the client. These decisions are made in accordance with the most valid knowledge available, against a background of principles and theories, and within the context of possible impact on other related conditions or decisions.

5. The profession is based on one or more undergirding disciplines from which it builds its own applied knowledge and skills.

6. The profession is organized into one or more professional associations, which, within broad limits of social accountability, are granted autonomy in control of the actual work of the profession and the conditions that surround it (admissions, educational standards, examination and licensing, career line, ethical and performance standards, professional discipline).

7. The profession has agreed-upon performance standards for admission to the profession and for continuance within it.

8. Preparation for and induction into the profession is provided through a protracted preparation program, usually in a professional school on a college or university campus.

9. There is a high level of public trust and confidence in the profession and in individual practitioners, based upon the profession's demonstrated capacity to provide service markedly beyond that which would otherwise be available.

10. Individual practitioners are characterized by a strong service motivation and lifetime commitment to competence.

11. Authority to practice in any individual case derives from the client or the employing organization; accountability for the competence of professional practice within the particular case is to the profession itself.

12. There is relative freedom from direct on-the-job supervision and from direct public evaluation of the individual practitioner. The professional accepts responsibility in the name of his or her profession and is accountable through his or her profession to the society.

So, do you think your profession, especially teaching, makes the grade?

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Stress Reduction Tips

Using Lists
"When the pressure and stress of the semester begins to build and you can't imagine how you can possibly accomplish everything you need to do, make a list. Includ

Mental Health 1

e everything that needs to be done on the list, including homework, class assignments, grocery shopping, laundry and even partying. Then make a weekly schedule. Fit all of your tasks within the weekly schedule. This will help you to be more organized, less overwhelmed and remember everything you need to do. You will find that there is indeed time to fit everything in. When you have completed one of the tasks on your list, cross it off. Crossing everything off the list is a good feeling of accomplishment. This is also a great way to see how much you actually do during the day and pat yourself on the back for a job well done."
- By Sue Amendolara

Fighting Depression
"You know that academic success depends on achieving satisfactory grades. Sometimes, however, students who are typically successful find their academic performance begins to slide for personal reasons. Prolonged unhappiness or dissatisfaction with one's self or one's relationships with others can drain a student's energy and become a hindrance to academic effectiveness. Yes, students can get depressed or anxious and find themselves having a hard time shaking it off. It's not an unusual occurrence; but if it goes on for weeks, you should be concerned. When social or emotional issues get in the way in your life, do something about it. The first step is to find someone with whom you can talk about it. This usually makes a world of difference. Don't continue to hold it in. Get a self- help book or audiotape, even consult a counselor. Take care of yourself by eating and sleeping regularly, and get exercise. Make yourself go to class. Fight back and work to regain control of your life. Your emotional health and academic success go hand in hand. Keep a handle on both."
- By Michael Bucell

Overcoming Anxiety
"I find that many students have already acquired pretty good study habits. So, unless they have basic skill problems in areas like reading and math, they actually possess the ability to take notes effectively, manage their time, and so on. So, what gets in th

Image by drp via Flickr

e way of effective performance in the classroom? I believe that "anxiety" is the culprit. Many students put themselves down by believing that they are "stupid" and "ineffective," especially in comparison with their peers. These feelings of inadequacy can lead to the paralyzing anxiety that "blocks" successful performance in the classroom -- especially on tests. I have personally experienced this gut-wrenching feeling and kicked myself later for making those dumb mistakes that result when anxiety gets in the way. In order to overcome anxiety, I recommend the following:
  1. Gain temporary control of your anxiety by practicing relaxation techniques during especially anxious times. Deep breathing combined with muscular tensing and relaxing can be helpful. Massage and meditation can help too.
  2. Work on feeling better about yourself. Try replacing negative thinking with positive thoughts. Praise yourself once in a while and forgive yourself for mistakes. Read books, such as David Burns' Feeling Good, that suggest ways to improve your feelings of self-worth.
  3. In general, try being your own best friend!"
- By Dr. Salene Cowher

General Stress Reduction Tips
"As classes become more demanding, you need to consider ways to reduce stress. There are certainly a few things not to do, such as procrastinate. If you have a project or paper assigned early in the semester, get started on it right away. In order to do your best job, you need to spend a lot of time on it. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Also, don't work long hours without rest. Ideally, you should sleep seven to eight hours daily to function properly. One activity that reduces stress is exercise. Whether it be jogging, bicycling, basketball, racquetball, swimming, or a daily walk, make sure you make time to exercise. Remember, to help reduce stress, don't procrastinate, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly."
- By Gary Grant

Visualization and Relaxation
"When the pressure seems to be getting to you, don't reach for the aspirin bottle. Try one of these instant stress relievers. Take six deep breaths. Slowly breathe through your nose and out your mouth. Visit the Bahamas or any other pleasant place through your imagination. Visualize the scene in detail. Hug someone. Four hugs every day will do a lot to calm you down. Change your scene. Walk to the window, watch the birds, take a stroll down the hall. Go outside and breathe deeply for two minutes. Exercise and stretching will improve your mind. Jog up the staircase. Find something or someone who will make you laugh. Stress can often come from taking yourself or your task too seriously. Ask yourself what is the worst possible thing that could happen if you made a mistake or missed the deadline. Lastly, change your focus. Think about your out of class life and focus on what you'll do this weekend or this evening."
- By Barbara Kantz

Personal Maintenance
"We all know the importance of maintaining a car. We can push it to the limit, but sooner or later it starts to run poorly. By setting aside some time for a little maintenance, we can keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Unfortunately, we tend to forget these simple truths when they're applied to college life. We push ourselves to keep up with demands and ignore warning signs such as decreased productivity and a negative attitude. We fail to recognize that some time spent on rest and relaxation may actually save time in the long run. People often notice that their mood improves and they work more effectively after taking a break. Personal maintenance may include very simple and inexpensive activities such as taking a walk in the snow, having dinner with a friend, or listening to some favorite music. So take a little time out today to do something fun and relaxing -- your system just might run a little smoother tomorrow."
- By Gary LaBine

Self-Imposed Barriers
"Have you ever thought about the influence of the person you see in the mirror? It takes a mature person to honestly evaluate themselves. It takes a strong person to recognize self-imposed barriers and to do something about them. Some of us have told ourselves or were told by others that we didn't possess the qualities of a good student. It then becomes easy to quit trying and to stay in groups that mock things like good study habits, regular reading in the library, and shooting for the best you can do. This is an understandable coping response, but we have to be willing to reassess ourselves. These are things that influence who we will be in the future, how we feel about ourselves, and the opportunities we will have. Cast aside those behaviors that make school unnecessarily harder and limit your potential. Start today."
- By Roy Shinn

. Reaching Out Can Make a Difference
"Did you know that college students are considered one of the most depressed and lonely groups when compared to the general population? I know this not only through my studies, but also through personal experiences. Often students try to deal with these problems with parties and drinking. My tip is an exception to that rule. Instead, look to friends, professors, religion, or anything that will have personal meaning to you. The more real time you spend with meaningful people and activities, the more alive you will feel. There are so many worthwhile activities and people at your university just waiting for you to discover them. You will be surprised how many people are looking for the same type of interaction you need. On a campus with thousands of people, if you reach out often enough you will find friends and maybe even a few soulmates. I know this, because I have."
- By Tacie Thomas
The Secret to True Success in Life
"The pressures of student life, and life in general can be overly stressful and overwhelming, driving many to seek escape, refuge, or relief. We've all heard the many slogans: "Just Say No," "This is your brain on drugs" (the fried-egg commercial), "Don't Drink and Drive" etc. Some sound pretty lame, some sound boring, but yet they're actually true. We've heard them 1,000 times from 1,000 different people. Well, here we go again with one more. TRUE SUCCESS IN LIFE MEANS TO TREAT YOUR BODY RIGHT!

Keep the impurities out and let your life begin. Learn to love yourself--for real. You are who you hang with. Surround yourself with positive people, places and things. If you want to be strong in this world, hang with those who are strong in this world.

Take care.

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Developing time management skills is a journey
that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way.

One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time

as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies
in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.

First: try our exercise in time management: How do you spend your time each day?

Strategies on using time:

  • School term/semester overview: develop, or plan for, blocks of study time
    About 50 minutes? How long does it take for you to become restless?
    Some learners need more frequent breaks for a variety of reasons
    More difficult material may also require more frequent breaks
    Place blocks of time when you are most productive, as morning person or night owl!
  • Schedule weekly reviews and updates
    Sunday night may be an excellent time to review your calendar
    Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt
  • Prioritize assignments
    When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task
    For more difficult courses of study, try to be flexible in your approach to success
    Build in “reaction time” when you can get feedback on assignments before they are due.
  • Achieve “stage one”—get something done
    Don’t work the details until your assignment concept is fully developed.
    “Perfection is the enemy of good”, especially in the course of beginning an assignment.
    Given that you build in review, roughly draft your idea and proceed from there
  • Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until school work is finished
    Eliminate, delegate or delay non-essential tasks as part of prioritizing.
    Review for a test may be more important than enjoying a sport.
    and playing the game later will be more enjoyable without the pressure of the test.
  • Develop alternative study places
    free from distractions to maximize concentration
  • Use your “free” time wisely
    Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc.
  • Review notes and readings just before class
  • Review lecture material immediately after class
    (Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review)

Try the University of Minnesota's Assignment Calculator

Develop criteria for adjusting your schedule
to meet both your academic and non-academic needs

Effective aids:

  • Create a simple "To Do" list
    This simple program will help you identify a few items, the reason for doing them, a timeline for getting them done, and then printing this simple list and posting it for reminders.
  • Daily/weekly planner
    Write down appointments, classes, and meetings on a chronological log book or chart.
    If you are more visual, sketch out your schedule

    taken by me in march 2005 during NCAA West Ice...Image via Wikipedia

    First thing in the morning, check what's ahead for the day
    always go to sleep knowing you're prepared for tomorrow
  • Long term planner
    Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead.
    Long term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself
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Avoiding Text Anxiety

Some anxiety about taking tests is normal, but when the anxiety affects how you perform on the test, it is time to build your confidence. Review your skills either by yourself or with another person, preferably a counselor at your institution. Learn how to study and manage your time. Organize your material that is to be studied. Be aware of outside influences that affect performance. Learn from your testing mistakes.

When you are ready to take a test, approach it with confidence. Tell yourself you will do well. Prepare yourself by studying. Pick a good place to take the test. Make sure that distractions will not affect you. Give yourself time for the tests. Stay relaxed. Don’t talk with students who are not prepared. Eat something before you go into the test.

TOKYO - DECEMBER 20:  LEGO's Mindstorms picks ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

As you are taking the test, make sure your read the directions and answer the questions asked. Watch your time. Skip over difficult areas and go back to them. Move around in your chair, but don’t fidget. Don’t worry about other students finishing first. If you go blank on an essay or short answer test, start writing something on another sheet of paper. It may trigger your mind.

Essay TestImage by sandranahdar via Flickr

e taking the test, stay relaxed. Don’t tense up. Take deep breaths. Expect to be a little anxious, but don’t let it control you. Think positive thoughts and tell yourself that you can take the test.

When you have finished the test, think back over what you did and what did or did not work on the test. Congratulate yourself on a job well done.

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Needs Assessment Information
(Wants determine needs)

Needs assessment is a process that is used throughout education, government, and th

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e private sector as a way of generating information that can be useful for solving some problem. The idea of needs assessment is hardly new; it has been used, under different names, for millennia as part of the planning process. Certainly, in the past 50 years or so, needs assessment has been, and continues to be, a cornerstone of educational planning at all levels.

A recent search for information on "needs assessment" using Google as a search engine, yielded some 413,000 references. Many of the sites offer very detailed descriptions of what needs assessment "is" and the steps required to undertake one. The purpose of this page on ADPRIMA is to distill much of this into a practical, straightforward description of the fundamental ideas of needs assessment. With that in mind, let’s begin.

Needs vs. Wants

It seems reasonable to assert that wants trump needs. This is an opinion, but I think it is fundamental to the entire process. I suppose it comes down to a way of perceiving how meaning is derived from our choice and use of words and phrases. Here is how I see it.

We "need" things because of our wants. The things we need are comprised of physical objects such as food and shelter, as well as processes, such as root canals and haircuts. We also have come to "need" information such as the percent of students scoring at a particular level, or the total of charitable deductions for income tax purposes. As human beings, we also have emotional and psychological needs. Regardless of what we deem to be needs, they are all incontrovertibly linked directly to our wants. We need things either to happen or not happen because of what we want. We need certain conditions because of our wants. Abraham Maslow, (1908-1970) described the hierarchy of needs (being and deficit) that all humans strive to satisfy or to ameliorate. Regardless, the position here is that based on our wants, if something is "needed," it means we must have it, must get it, must obtain it. It is not a difficult concept. In some cases, such as the deficit n

eeds described by Maslow, in order to obtain what we want, we may actually "need" less of something.

Wants are sort of a priori transactions. We want one thing or one condition or another simply because we do. Our wants do not necessarily have to be justified. I want a red car, because I like red. I want to finish a report because it is important. Regardless of what our wants are, and they can be, to an outside observer, quite irrelevant or very important, our wants provide the criteria for determining what we need in order to satisfy them.

Wants are Like Goals

We want what we want, and yet there are many things or conditions we want that are beyond our ability to have. In the early 1960s, then President John Kennedy proclaimed that the United States was committed, before the end of the decade, to "sending a man to the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." What he was describing was a want, not a need. What was needed to accomplish that goal involved an enormous commitment of human and capital resources over a period from 1961 to 1969 when the Neil Armstrong and the crew of Apollo 11 splashed down in the ocean. Our goal had been reached, and what was needed to reach it was documented, refined, and improved, whether these needs were physical, human, or the development and implementation of procedures.

However, if President Kennedy has said that the goal was to send a man to Mars and return him safely to the Earth by the end of the decade, the goal would have been by no small stretch of the imagination, impossible.

PERT is not Necessarily Shampoo

The Polaris submarine program that was developed in the 1950s presented such enormous coordination and scheduling problems that a whole new way of operating in such a complex environment had to be invented. One of the inventions that resulted from this program was PERT, or Program Review and Evaluation Technique. PERT became a popular and highly effective way to manage complex projects, but at its core is the idea of determining what is "needed" in order to accomplish a particular project or purpose. At one time I conducted workshops for educators in how to use PERT and CPM (Critical Path Method) techniques for educational planning. In essence what I was doing was helping teachers and administrators in the workshop to do sophisticated needs assessments. PERT is not for everyone, but I will say that the structural demands and analytical thinking involved are excellent for any type of formal or even informal "needs assessments" as are typically done by thousands of educators and committees each year.

Needs Assessment Internet Resources

Below are links to sites that I think have useful information on needs assessment. As you will see, there is a fair amount of discord in the descriptions of what to do. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Just remember, any needs assessment is really nothing more than an organized, systematic way to gather information relative to some goal. It is the quality and attainability of the goal that sets the stage for everything. If you have any questions, please let me know. Email

I will add additional links and resources as appropriate.

"Anything not understood in more than one way is not understood at all."

Okay, now for something to read that might give you a chill or here for my novel, What Waits Within

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Tips for Parents - School and Teacher Relationships

Research shows that one of the most important factors that affects a child's performance in school is parental involvement. All too often, parents assume that just sending their children to school and looking at their report cards is enough. Not true! If you want to be involved, if you want to actively participate in the relationship betw

Students taking a test at the University of Vi...Image via Wikipedia

een your child and the school, there are some things you can do to make this relationship positive and productive. Read on. Be sure to check out Web Sites for Parents and Kids.

Methods for Parents to Get to Know Their Child's School Better

First of all, don't just show up at the school; make an appointment to visit.
After you've made an appointment, go to the school; look around, talk to people.
As appropriate, call or write to your child's teachers.
Talk to other parents about their experiences.
Be sure to read the minutes of the school board, which are usually printed in the local newspaper.
Take time to read the school newsletter.
It may not always be convenient, but try to attend school functions such as open houses and PTA meetings.

How Parents can Help with their Children's Homework

There are things you can do that will help your child do assigned homework and that result in learning, which, after all, is the reason for being in school.

Communicate with your child about school. This includes talking to him about his friends, activities, teachers, and assignments.
Show enthusiasm about school and homework.
Set realistic goals for your child, and then focus on one at a time.
Help your child get organized. Break down assignments into smaller, more manageable parts. Set out needed items (clothes, homework, permission slips, etc.) the night before to avoid last-minute rushing around in the morning.
Provide a quiet study corner in your home complete with paper, markers, a ruler, pencils and a dictionary.
Never do your child's homework!
with your child's teacher about correcting homework.
Expect, and praise genuine progress and effort. An opinion: don't praise or otherwise reward your child for doing what you and he know is expected. This practice leads you down a slippery slope, often with really bad consequences for you and your child.
Be specific when you do praise something.
on your child's strengths in school.
Build associations between what is taught and what your child already knows and understands.
Incorporate concrete materials and examples whenever possible, especially with younger children. Try to help your child learn about the subject in more than one way, using as many senses as possible.
Separate your child's school weaknesses from your child. If your child fails a test, that is all the child fails. He or she is not a failure.
One more thing: Never do your child's homework! (deliberately repeated)

Questions to Ask at a School Conference

Is my child performing at grade level in basic skills? Above/Below? Math/Reading?

What are the objectives my child is supposed to attain? How do these objectives lead to the overall goal for the course/grade?

What achievement, intelligence, or vocational aptitude tests have been given to my child in the past year? What do the scores mean? (Be very specific and be sure you understand completely what the reported scores mean).

What are my child's strengths and weaknesses in major subject areas?

What subjects do my child enjoy most?

Can we together go over some examples of my child's class work?

Does my child need special help in any academic subject?

Who are my child's friends and how does he or she interact with other children?

Has my child regularly completed assigned homework?

Has my child attended class regularly?

Have you observed any changes in learning progress during the year? Has learning improved or declined during the year?

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Research Papers

Every high school or college student will eventually have to write a research paper. If you break down the research paper into components, then the task will not seem so hard. Begin by deciding on your topic. Your instructor may give you a choice. Get some general information about the subject. You can’t use a general encyclopedia for a research paper, but you can use the encyclopedia to find out about your topic. Figure out pertinent details to make your research easier. You then perform a literature review. Look through the resources that are available. This includes hardcopy, periodicals, audiovisual and Internet.

Develop your thesis or your hypothesis. Provide enough information so that your reader knows how you approached the solution to your problem. Let your reader know your findings, even if they do not match your original intent. Develop your findings and possible conclusions. At the end of the paper, write a summary and revisit your original position and thoughts.

Always proofread your research paper. Use spell and grammar check. Make sure that you have met with your instructor about the proper documentation. Many instructors require certain styles, such as APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association). Make sure that you have documented all your facts. Double check for possible plagiarism. It is often easy to paraphrase and not give credit. You do not want to fail because you did not document.

Literature Essays

Essays for a literature class require organization. When you first get your assignment, look at it and isolate the key words. Restate them in own words, preferably with synonyms. Brainstorm with the assignment. Write down all the ideas that you have. It is often best to write your introduction after you have written most of your literature assignment because you know your conclusion at that point.

Use the key words that you isolated at the beginning over and over in your paper. Make sure that every paragraph you write in a literature essay supports your thesis in some form.

When you read the material about which you are writing, pick out a couple of short passages for your focus, or use a quote and illustrate your points about it. Make sure that you define the words that need to be explained; you don’t want your reader trying to figure out what you are writing.

Organize your paragraphs into an effective argument that underscores your point. A single concept or idea may be referred to throughout the paper. Use examples that support your thesis. Make sure the examples are presented in a logical manner. It may be a good idea to use a central idea and refer to it throughout the entire paper.

When you have a short literature paper to write, go ahead and focus on the point raised by the assignment. Don’t spend a lot of time building up to your point. Go ahead and present your point early in the paper.

Study Tips Main Page

A Purpose for Social Studies
(or what is social studies for anyhow?)

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Although I am officially retired from teaching education courses at a fairly large public university, I have some ideas that might have resonance with people studying to be teachers. In my career, I taught

many graduate curriculum courses in regular college classroom settings and on the Internet. The other semesters, including summer terms. I taught an undergraduate course entitled Methods and Principles: Social Studies for Elementary and Middle Grades. I also taught the high school version of the same course. As part of these courses, I discussed with my mainly young students why social studies is important, and what it is for. To be quite frank, most of my students had no idea how to even begin to discuss this topic except to rely on old tried and true rhetoric such as, "it helps us be better citizens" or "by understanding the past, we can avoid making the same mistakes." By no stretch of the imagination does such rhetoric hold water, good intentions notwithstanding.

Believe me when I say that I have read many, many of the statements by such organizations as the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) that describe why social studies is important. If those statements meant anything at all in the REAL world, our students, after more than four decades of NCSS guidance in social studies curriculum, would surely have a better grasp of the content and would also engage in concomitant civic behavior such as voting. But they don't. Go to the NCSS web site and see what you think. There is a vast gulf between professed goals and actual results.

I have come to some conclusions about this. As I have expressed elsewhere on the ADPRIMA site, social studies is about understanding things, and not very much about learning skills. I have come to believe that any idea or concept that takes more than three pages or so of explanation should be broken down into two or more co

ncepts or smaller ideas that reflect a meaningful perceived relationship. I think Albert Einstein put this idea best when he said that "scientific theories should be able to be described so simply that a child could understand them." In social studies, we have a long, long way to go.

The countless textbooks that appeared in my mailbox, and that were described in an endless stream of brochures that touted yet other, new approaches for learning how to teach social studies marginalized themselves by their sheer numbers and bulk. In many ways, they remind me of the near weekly torrent of book

s on dieting. Harsh words indeed from a former college teacher.

Let me put it directly to you then.

I believe social studies should be part of the curriculum for the purpose of helping students understand human interactions that occurred in the past, are occurring now, and that are likely to occur in the future. The reason for these understandings is they may help students develop and nurture values that will make it more likely that they will be able to determine for any situation what the right thing is and do it, especially when doing the right thing is hard to do. It is about decency, respect, courage and honor. This is not a difficult idea to understand, but it can take a lifetime to appreciate.

If learning that Seoul is the capital of South Korea, that the Congo River crosses the Equator twice, that the Battle of Antietam in 1862 was the bloodiest single day in American history, or being able to describe the culture of China during the reign of Qin Shi Huangdi contributes to this, great. Understandings are not, and cannot "practiced" in the same way as skills, but they can be developed, strengthened and made meaningful by students connecting new information to what they already know. I am also of the belief that such understandings need not be described in such obscure and complex ways as to diminish their value to the learner. The countless mind-numbing hierarchies of social studies standards, strands, goals and objectives that are promulgated by both public and private entities, while often developed with the best of intentions, really haven't contributed much to the civic and social literacy of our nation. In fact, some would argue that measures of this literacy show a marked decline over the past forty years or so. Perhaps many have forgotten that understanding social studies concepts and ideas is an intensely personal thing.

So I really didn't "teach" my students how to teach social studies. That is impossible. What I did was to motivate them to want to learn about social studies and different ways of teaching it. They come to believe that they don't understand anything unless they understand it in more than one way. I believe I was successful at doing this, and it is a good feeling.

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Analyze Writing Assignments

When you receive a writing assignment topic, it is a good idea to start brainstorming by listing main ideas or key concepts. Put the words or phrases down on paper and just jot notes by them. Many people put circles around each thought and join them by arrows. This process may lead to a longer article.
Decide on the type of paper you are writing. This may be assigned by your teacher, but you may have to give an opinion and justify the opinion. Keep in mind the correct subjects and verbs to use.

Start researching your topic. Make sure you know what your teacher will and will not let you use. Start with the most general source first, so you can learn about the topic then work your way out to the most specialized sources. Use print materials. Before you use internet materials, make certain you know what is allowed.

Establish parameters for your topic. You do not want to be too generalized or too specialized. Make sure you pick a topic where you can find enough information.

Make a précis of your information. It may help to take this to your teacher, so you will know if you are on the right track. If it is necessary to write out your opinion or your thoughts on a topic, make sure that you have the facts to back it. Always remember to be a critical thinker and keep an open mind. Don’t overlook important research material because it doesn’t match your thesis statement.

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Biopolis at Buona VistaImage via Wikipedia

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Apply online at : A'STAR India Youth Scholarship - Click Here

SIA Youth Scholarship - Click Here


Detach and send the completed Application Slip with certified true copies of the following documents in the order listed below:

a. Completed Application Slip

b. Curriculum Vitae (1 page only) with your full name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address and a summary of your major achievements

c. SIA Youth candidates - Standard 9 final school examination results & Standard 10 National / State board examination results.
A*STAR India Youth candidates - Standard 7 & 8 final school examination results

d. Achievements / awards won and participation in co-curricuiar activities in Standard 7 & 8 (A*STAR) and Standard 9 & 10 (SIA)

Applications should reach us by 15 July 2009 at:

A*STAR India Youth / SIA Youth Scholarships
c/o School Placement & Scholarships Branch
Level 3, Podium Block, 1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Republic of Singapore

For Application Format please refer The Hindu 09.06.2009
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Engg. College ranking at CEE-Kerala-gov-in
The last rank details of on going Admission to Professional Engineering Degree Courses in Kerala- 2008 is here. This help us to find .

* Demand for top courses/colleges for B.Tech in Kerala.
* Possibility of getting a seat for B.Tech in Kerala at the college/course for a rank.
* Ability of students in scoring marks/getting a college.
* Pvt. Self financing colleges that may not be able to fill seats... etc.
* Trendwatching...

Engineering Allotment Kerala
Some of the trends are
> Electronics and Communication(EC) is preferred over Computer Science(CS) by majority.
CET Tvm,CS last rank is 321 for EC it is 105.(Govt. college)
MoDeL Engg. CS last rank is 943 for EC it is 632(Govt.Self Financing. college)
Federal Institute of Science & Tech CS Last rank is 6440 SCMS EC last rank 3994 (Private Self Financing college)

> Govt. Self financing colleges are preferred for Course/Location to a Govt. College.

>Private Colleges are still far away in attracting high ranks due to the heavy fees they are charinging this year...10 christian colleges are enrolling students separately.

If we eliminate the reservation quotas and only consider the State Merit, the top demanded colleges are as follows.

Electronics Communication last ranks in Government Colleges of Kerala
College of Engineering,Thiruvananthapuram TVE 105
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 442
Government Engineering College,Thrissur TCR 696
MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam MAC 753
Government Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tech., Kottayam KTE 1123
Government Engineering College, Barton Hills, TVM TRV 1185
NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad NSS 1642
Engineering College, Idukki IDK 2472
Government Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad PKD 2632
Government College of Engineering, Kannur KNR 2702
Government Engineering College, Mananthody, Wayanad WYD Nil

Electronics Communication last ranks in top 10 Government Self Financing Colleges of Kerala
MDL-632 Model Engineering College, Thrikkakkara, Ernakulam.
SCT-1573 SCT College of Engineering, Pappanamcode, TVM
CHN-1908 College of Engineering, Chengannur, Alappuzha
UCK-2886 University College of Engineering, Kariavattom, TVM
LBT-3030 LBS Institute of Tech. for Women, Poojapura, TVM
UCE-3117 University College of Engineering,Thodupuzha
ADR-3258 College of Engineering, Adoor
KGR-3430 College of Engineering, Kidangoor
CEA-4120 College of Engineering, Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram.
MNR-4222 College of Engineering, Munnar, Idukki.

Electronics Communication last ranks in top 10 Private Self Financing Colleges of Kerala
SCM- 3994 SCMS School of Engg. Tech., Ernakulam
FIT- 4075 Federal Institute of Science & Tech., Mookkannoor, Angamaly, EKM
ASI- 5420 Adi Sankara Institute of Engg. & Tech., Kalady, Ernakulam.
MCT- 5533 Mohandas College of Engg. & Tech., Nedumangad, TVM
MGP- 5617 Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kottayam
VAS- 6148 Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur
MES- 6617 MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram.
TOC- 6955 Toc H Institute of Science & Tech., Mulamthurutthy, EKM
PAA- 8208 P A Aziz College of Engineering & Technology, Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram
SBC- 8606 Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Nooranadu, Alappuzha.
Computer Science last ranks in Government Colleges of Kerala
College of Engineering,Thiruvananthapuram TVE - 321
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam -873
MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam -1537
Government Engineering College,Thrissur -1653
Government Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tech., Kottayam -2368
NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad -2583
Government College of Engineering, Kannur -3201
Engineering College, Idukki -3368
Government Engineering College, Mananthody, Wayanad -3541
Government Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad -4191

Computer Science last ranks among top 10 Government Self Financing Colleges of Kerala
Model Engineering College, Thrikkakkara, Ernakulam. MDL-943
SCT College of Engineering, Pappanamcode, TVM SCT-2217
College of Engineering, Chengannur, Alappuzha. CHN-3011
University College of Engineering, Kariavattom, TVM UCK-3864
LBS Institute of Tech. for Women, Poojapura, TVM LBT-4038
College of Engineering, Adoor ADR-4112
University College of Engineering,Thodupuzha UCE-4329
College of Engineering, Kidangoor KGR-5029
College of Engineering, Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram CEA-5400

Computer Science last ranks among top 10 Private Self Financing College of Kerala
FIT - 6440 Federal Institute of Science & Tech., Mookkannoor, Angamaly, EKM
SCM - 6678 SCMS School of Engg. & Tech., Ernakulam
ASI - 7335 Adi Sankara Institute of Engg. & Tech., Kalady, Ernakulam.
MCT - 7345 Mohandas College of Engg. & Tech., Nedumangad, TVM
MGP - 8140 Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kottayam
TOC - 8372 Toc H Institute of Science & Tech., Mulamthurutthy, EKM
MES - 8826 MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram
VAS - 9168 Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur

Mechanical Engineering last ranks in Government Colleges of Kerala
College of Engineering,Thiruvananthapuram TVE 547
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 1127
Government Engineering College,Thrissur TCR 1680
MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam MAC 1884
Government College of Engineering, Kannur KNR 2688
Government Engineering College, Barton Hills, TVM TRV 2692
Government Engineering College, Kozhikkode 2699
NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad NSS 2735
Government Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tech., Kottayam KTE 2737

This complete data for 2008 admissions to B.Tech courses in Kerala can be accessed at Seat Allotment Process. govt. website). This list is not final and some Christian Colleges are not participating in this process.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The GATE committee, which comprises of representatives from the administering institutes, is the sole authority for regulating the examination and declaring the results.

GATE is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. The zones and the corresponding administrative institutes are:

Zone 1 - Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Zone 2 - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Zone 3 - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Zone 4 - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Zone 5 - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Zone 6 - Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zone 7 - Indian Institute of Technology Madras

The overall coordination and responsibility of conducting GATE 2009 lies with Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, designated as the Organizing Institute for GATE 2009.

Admission to postgraduate programmes with MHRD and some other government scholarship/assistantship at engineering colleges/institutes in the country are open to those who qualify through GATE. GATE qualified candidates with Bachelor's degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Pharmacy or Master's degree in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications are eligible for Master/Doctoral programmes in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Pharmacy as well as for Doctoral programmes in relevant branches of Science. To avail the scholarship, the candidate must secure admission to such a postgraduate programme, as per the prevailing procedure of the admitting institution. GATE qualification, however, is not required for candidates with Master's degree in Engineering /Technology/Architecture/Pharmacy, who may be seeking scholarship/ assistantship for relevant doctoral programmes.

Some institutions specify GATE as the mandatory qualification even for admission of self-financing students to postgraduate programmes. GATE qualified candidates are also eligible for the award of Junior Research Fellowship in CSIR Laboratories and CSIR sponsored projects. Some government organizations prescribe GATE qualification as a requirement for applying to the post of a Scientist / Engineer.

For complete details refer the Information Brochure

June 27 : The Department of Computer Science under the University of Kerala has invited applications for admission to M.Tech Computer Science with specializations in Digital Image Computing, approved by AICTE for the year 2009-10. Duration two years (four semesters). Total seats 18, (Open- 10, Sponsored – 5, SC/ ST- 3).


BE / B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering with 55% marks or First class MSc in Computer Science or MCA. Preference will be given to GATE qualified applicants. Non GATE applicants will be selected on the basis of Departmental level entrance test and marks obtained in the qualifying examination.

Application form and prospectus can be downloaded from the website by clicking what is new. Duly filled in application along with crossed DD of Rs. 310 drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of Kerala, issued from SBT / SBI, payable at Thiruvananthapuram, true copies of relevant certificates and should send to the Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram- 695581 so as to reach on or before 20th July 2009.

For more details visit

The K. C. Mahindra Education Trust established MAHINDRA ALL INDIA TALENT SCHOLARSHIPS in 1995. The scheme envisages awarding scholarships to Indian students with good scholastic records belonging to lower income group families. They must have passed SSC or HSC or equivalent examinations and have secured admission in government or any other recognised Polytechnic Institute for Diploma Courses in India.

The scheme is to encourage and support young students to pursue job-oriented Diploma Courses at recognised Polytechnics. Under this scheme, scholarships of Rs. 5,000/- per annum are awarded to selected students to study at various polytechnics in India. The scholarship can be awarded to a student for a maximum of 3 years.

SSC and HSC examinations in various States in India are held during March-April. Results are normally announced during May-June every year. Admission to Polytechnics in various States generally commence from August every year. During June/July or earlier every year advertisements are released throughout India inviting applications for the scholarships. Selected candidates will be interviewed at various centres in India. To make it easier for the selected candidates to appear for the final interviews for the scholarship award, the candidate can apply to any of the centres, indicating the most convenient centre where he/she can appear if selected by the Trust for the final interview.

List of centres where candidates may apply is given below.

1. Mumbai - Western Region to cover Goa, Diu 8v Daman, Gujarat and Maharashtra. (including Indore, Bhopal)
Preliminary Applications will be received at K. C. Mahindra Education Trust Head Office at Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg, Mumbai 400 00 1. Tel.: 022-202 103 1.

2. Bangalore - to cover Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshadweep.
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra 8v Mahindra Ltd., Raheja Chambers, First Floor, No. 12, Museum Road, Bangalore 560 001. Tel.: 080-558 8683.

3. Calcutta - Eastern Region to cover West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, 7, Dr. Ishaque Road (Old Kyd Street), 3rd Floor, Calcutta 700 016. Tel.: 033-226 0952.

4. Chandigarh - Northern Region to cover Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab.
Preliminary Applications will be received by Kanwar Mahindar Singh, H. No. 77, Sector 8A, Chandigarh 160 018. Tel.: 0172-54 3167.

5. Delhi - Northern Region including Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Gwalior.
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Resident General Manager, Mahindra 8v Mahindra Ltd., Jeevan Deep Building, 8 Parliament St., New Delhi 110 001. Tel.: 011-334 0918.

6. Jaipur - to cover Rajasthan Region
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra 8ti Mahindra Ltd., Automotive Products Group, Plot No. 11, Ganyapath, Surajnagar (West), LT.O. Colony, Civil Lines, Jaipur-302 006. Tel.: 0141-381843.

7. Lucknow - to cover Uttar Pradesh
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra 8v Mahindra Ltd., 2nd Floor, Raj Chambers, Opp. Y.M.C.A. Building, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 226 001.
Tel.: 0522-27 3338.

8.Madras - Southern Region to cover Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra 8s Mahindra Ltd., Dhun Building, Mount Road, Madras 600 002. Tel.: 044-852 1897.

9.Patna - to cover Bihar and Orissa
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 126-A,Patliputra Colony, Patna -800 013, Tel.: 0612-26 3686.

10. Hyderabad - to cover Andhra Pradesh
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Senior General Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Near Bidar, T' Junction, Zaheerabad-502 220. Tel.: 08451-82285.

11. Cochin - to cover Kerala and Karnataka
Preliminary Applications will be received by the Area Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., 32J2607, Nelson Mandela Road, Palarivattom, Cochin-682 025. Tel.: 0484-344 884.



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1. NIT calicut
2. CET tvm
3. MACE kothamangalam
4. Model engineering college
5. Thrissur engineering college
6. RIT pambadi
7. Rajagiri engineering college
8. TVM engineering college
9. Barton hill tvm
10. SCMS tvm
please visit to know more about the top engineering can ask any doubts here.......................

Let us see how it started, evolved and then been professionalized. 1. For Military purpose: In World War I and II, it started with Operation Research for minimum effort and minimum casualty to self on one side, but maximum damage to enemy. Its analogy to business could be, how to tackle the competitors. 2. For Entrepreneurship: All PGP courses were designed to develop Entrepreneurship skills. 3. For Top Executives: Exposure to Market and preparation to face it4. For Marketing and Selling: Started with Developing selling skills and now it has elevated and added market research skills5. For Leaders and Managers: To develop leadership qualities and to manage people and organization tasks. E.g. Infosys, Wipro, GE, etc. 6. As part of Professional Requirements: It revolutionized the Management education and many governments across the world have started management education en-masse. 7. Ranking for the Best Management Education providers: Then started the ranking of the Business Schools where right from HBS of USA to Oxford of UK, IIM of India to NUS of Singapore all are ranked by various stakeholders on number of factors like, Placement record of students, Ambience, Infrastructure Facilities, Specializations offered, Faculty holding Ph.D./ Doctorate, Research Publications by Faculty, Alumni contributions, System of students evaluations, students opting for entrepreneurship path, and so on and so forth.
Now a day, in India, any one and every degree holder wants to pursue MBA for several preconceived reason/s. There are Scientists, Doctors, Pharmacists, Artists, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Politicians, everyone …..
Ideal purpose of attending MBA School for budding Managers/ Leaders:1. To groom yourself to take charge of your future, irrespective of your varied background.2. To become better than the best by acquiring more skills to advance your career for future endeavors 3. To learn how to contribute and how to achieve better and more in your life.4. To become a leader than a follower5. It is a pay back time for you towards your parents. You are going to value the hard work and dedication of your parents.
Seniors have some tips for budding managers and leaders. Make it more a collaborative learning experience than the individual learning experience for 2 years. Thus, you learn a lot from many sources and in many ways.
How to Invest Time on Campus?:
For that you have to achieve some specific daily achievement/s. Thus, by these cumulative improvement/s in yourself, you can build a solid foundation. You build a confidence that, yes, it is possible to change in and out and make a change in life, hereafter. It will help you to realize your dream in your life. Ex. Your everyday task from the DAY-ONE could be:• Know at least one new case study daily that are top rated by management experts. • Know at least one new Leader and his achievements. • Know at least one organization In and Out. Commerce background people share Financial info while Engineers share Tech info, similarly students from Health Science, Pharmaceutical, and other can share their knowledge in their fields. The exchange of views and knowledge add value to every discussion and make students realize about diversified fields and opinions around the world. • Share with others at least one new thing from the corporate world. Thus 60 students in class can share a lot in a day. • Just you have to invest 2 hours more than your class room sessions and home work or field work, if any. However, this sharing and caring brings results. It is my experience. • You come to know that one can learn in many ways. Debates, Quiz, Simulations, Dramas, Movies, Experience sharing, Role play, discussing research article, and other number of ways. • Try to learn basics of maximum number of skills today for tomorrow, you don't know where your dexterity will be useful in future. • What you should do? : Try develop these skills or at least know what they do in the organizations in these 2 years of studies. Share with colleagues. • Finally, Invest your time than waste time when you are in the campus. These important days will never come back to you in your life. We have seen total paradigm shift in the mindset of lot of students. You could be next Narayan Murthy or Setve Jobs or Sabir Bhatia, or Kiran Shaw Mauzumdar or the person you choose.
Is there competition among institutions?
Few say yes few say no. The reason as per the aptitude and other qualifying reasons they either choose or get their institutions. Let us see how few Institutions differ in their methodology to groom the managers and leaders. • HBS: It relies on case study method and academic rigor. • IIM: Peer pressure to multitask and perform well, they also rely on case methods and academic rigor. • SCMHRD, MDI, XIME, ICAI: More number of case studies, more number of theory books on same topic, and more exposure to multitasking by doing it yourself. • IIT, NIT: They believe in Results. They like to see results before their eyes in the field of Engineering and Technology. • CA, ICWA, CS, CPA: Especially they know finance and accounting of an organization in and out• Top University MBA: Importance is given to street-fighter-skills and achieving the target/s. • Others: Infosys hired M. A. (Music), MFA (Creative Arts) as a creative evangelists. Thus, these kinds of people can be highly competent when it comes to creativity.
Expectations of top organizations around the world:• Passionate Employees who try to out perform themselves and who always complete their job on time. For they are ready to pay and take of employees. • No problem and NO-EXCUSE employees • Dedicated and committed employees• Employees with Never-Say-Die-Attitude• Employees who are creative in problem solving• Result oriented employees • Perform or Perish culture• Adjusting to Multi-culture environment and Ready to go at Multiple-places around the world for company affairs. • Respect for every one and loyalty to organization
Thus, you must try to groom yourselves according as this could be your last time to know yourself and do the needful.
How to decide specialization?
First and foremost important thing is there is no compartment in management and there are no demarcation lines in the management education. Hence, still if needed you must take guidance from experts. Why? The reasons are here:* At the top of the hierarchy you must know all the functions of management * There are cases when many have worked across the functions due to sheer need of the organization in the highly competitive market* For a Leader or a Manager, unless he knows the business he cannot be successful. Hence, few experts claim that, these specializations are just for the sake of getting a formidable degree/ diploma.
Factors deciding specialization of MBA/ Management Education:* Aptitude* Passion* Interest* Motive and Aim and Purpose of choosing this kind of career * Emotional Intelligence * Intelligent Quotient* Stamina* Tolerance* Background* Vision of life* Mission of work
Let us know some fundamentals on how the specializations were selected till date. New comers can make a difference if they wish.
Who can go for Finance specialization?* If you are B.Com. M. Com. Or have some business background or have knack to solve some mathematical problems at faster speeds.* Those who like to seat at one place and work* Those who have passion for Accounting and Finances, and who have passion of stock market, etc.
Who can go for Marketing?* Those who like to convince people, build contacts, like to see business grow, like to see always well dressed and those who like glam-sham.* Those who like Market Research, Selling activities, go to places, like to talk with different customers and make them happy, those who like to serve people, etc.
Who can go for HRM?* Who like to deal with people * Solve people's problems* Like to build relationships for company * Like to believe in people's abilities* Like to value their own people as an asset* Like to prove humanity and human being are the best part of business dealings * Knows how to use Talents of talented people
Who can go for International Business?* Those who like multiple cultures in the world* Like dealing with foreigners who but also are human beings* Like to travel and go to places with time bound work, and work with deadline * Who don't have complaints about any food, or any place to live in comfort* Those who can learn new things faster including new languages and business etiquettes * Those who know international trade practices and understand various organizations in-depth * Those who can compete the international market at par with any international player and executives
Who should go for Computer and Technology specialization?* Those who love technology and are conversant with the way they work * Those who like to deal with technology* Those who like to work in Artificial world than the Real world* Those who can tolerate more technology than humans and like to work in isolation for some time* Those who can solve technological problems* Those who have some technical background like BCA, BE, or having some family business in the field of technology* Those who have been exposed to technology during Video Games, Cell phones, and know how to quick-fix the technical problems.
Other specializations like, Hospital Management, Retail Management, Entrepreneurship, etc:
You need to know what you are going to study and where you are going to implement and what career option you are going for. What is the aim of doing that specialization? It must not be short term to get an immediate job. It must have long term vision as well. Remember organizations expect all its employees to be intrapreneurs, hence at the end of the day, Entrepreneurship skills have become a must for all the MBA graduates. Remember, not failure but short aim is crime, hence, gather as many skills as you can and become as much dexterous as much as you can.
Individual S-W-O-T Analysis:* No one is born perfect, those who have strengths can capitalize on their strengths* They must know how to deal with their own Weaknesses * If you have done SWOT analyses then from above background you can choose your specialization well. * This is the era of Shoot-at-sight-competition and not cut-throat-competition, hence you must know, to whom you'll compete and hence must decide your strategy for life and work. * At the end of the day, you are the best judge of yourself. Hence, regular SWOT analysis is order of the day. Say daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, and yearly. We have seen people taking high rise in their life who do their critical analysis for positivism in their life.
Experts, around the world, feel that people had to jump jobs in the recession across the border and across the functions and across the horizontals and the verticals of the business. Hence, multi-dexterous and multi-skilled employees and employers have become order of the day. Thus, few experts claim that it is not only applicable to Management students but it is applicable to others, as well. Finally, you are the best judge of yourself. Hence, invest your life, skills, and work at proper place/s to get what you want from the most precious life.